New Sign, New Image. And did you notice we now include Paleo as part of our protocol of healing. Couples who follow a healthier diet have better luck at conceiving and carrying to term their babies.
I am extending $10 off for all new Patients and for any Patient that has not been in for 6 months or more. Call today for your appointment. 813-831-6080.
The Chemical Myth of Depression and other mental health conditions…..and Big Pharma and a new look at the effects of inflamation. Leave it to Chris to do the research. The most recent research supports a new theory called the "Immune Cytokine Model of Depression" holding that it is a "multifaceted sign of chronic immune system activation" and not a disease itself. Immune factors and inflamation are also related to Fertility Issues, many of you know, who suffer from one of the 4 categories of Antiphospholipid Antibodies such as Natural Kller Cells and MTHFR factor.