Thursday, August 20, 2009
Liver Qi Stagnation and Unfulfilled Desires
Ahh free flow, when everything in our life is going smoothly and we feel on top of the world. Things just seem to fall into place. When they don't however, we emotionally become frustrated. Frustration and pent up emotions such as anger, cause us to tense up, we may develop some neck or shoulder pain, or a headache or severe menstrual cramps, PMS or a physical problem we never had before. Also, a long term illness or injury can cause us to develop this, because it limits our ability to do the things we normally love.
We can help ourselves with this by doing deep breathing, exercising, meditating, and focusing on letting go and accepting that which we cannot change, opening up to the now and seeing what happens as Eckhart Tolle and Deepok Chopra always say. Use the stumbling blocks in your life as a portal to take you deeper into the moment into your most perfect self when you let go of how it should look or be, then miracles do happen! Sometimes though surviving the emotional turmoil is real tough. I believe staying with your emotions is key, and knowing they will pass, especially if you can breathe, allow your body to regain a calmness and the mind to stop its endless story of how bad off things are. I love the feeling of the "Peace that Passeth All Understanding" There is no other feeling like it. I believe this is what St. Frances meant when he said, " True Happiness is Finding Peace In the Midst of Suffering"
Acupuncture is a perfect anecdote to moving our Qi, particularily when it has become chronically stuck. Helping us get the "Ahh" back in our lives. It is an energetic modality which biochemically releases our endorphins and neurotransmitters as well as regulates our hormones and immune system(when our immune system becomes overactive as in autoimmune diseases.) Using points along the Liver meridian like Liver 2, 3, 5 and 8 really help to smooth out the flow and soothe the liver. The liver sometimes is likened to a bully in the sense that when it becomes congested it will attack the other weaker organs especially the spleen.
Liver fire is a reference to heat rising or flaring upward causing an outburst in emotions as in raging anger, or eye problems or an intense head pain or an increase in high blood pressure. In this case, we sedate the liver. Sometimes women before their period can have this, when the blood has pooled up in the liver, which stores it before the menses begin. Menstrual clots during the period and spotting inbetween are examples of liver Qi stagnation which many women have. I see this all the time with women trying to conceivce who cannot. Once they begin a course of acupuncture treatments however, this is one of the first things that clears up along with the PMS and irritability(so often they tell me their husbands noticed they are less irritable) then I know and if they are patient and the body becomes regulated then conception can occur.
Acupuncture is an ancient procedure. When I use to do the Great American Teach In's for the schools, no matter what age, I would tell how acupuncture came to be, because when you are in pain or hurt you often hold the area to protect it but also to soothe and maybe alleviate some of the distress. So before metal needles were developed they would just apply pressure with stone or wood and then they began to sharpen them and apply more pressure to get even better results.
Stay tuned for how coffee, drugs, and alchohol congest the liver, yes even small amounts if you are already out of balance as in not being able to conceive or carry to turn.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
God's Blessings Abound Far More Than Our Minds Can Fathom. May We Send This Goodness To Our Fellow Human Beings And Let Peace Reside In Our Hearts.

Welcome another new arrival born August 14th 2009!
Mom went into preterm labor back in June and we were a bit concerned as I had stated in one of my earlier blogs, but he was born just at 38 weeks and is a healthy baby boy!
His Dad after 8 months of acupuncture, change of diet, lifestyle, and a focus on his spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health, he and his wife conceived. She also received acupuncture and both took herbs throughout. In addition, I believe the meditation, postive thinking, and chakra work helped to keep them focused and calm and it also took their relationship to another level. As you all know, this fertility process can have some devasting effects on your relationships. I only wish they were still here in Florida.