Wednesday, August 17, 2016
The other day one of my newly pregnant Moms with twins asked if the umbilical cord is part of her body or the fetus? And if there are twins is there two cords? Good questions….one that most mom's probably never thought of.
Do mothers have just one umbilical cord? What if the children are twins?
I mean if there's just one cord, how can two siblings survive?
4 Answers
John David Ward, is not dead yet
The umbilical cord is not part of the mother. It's part of the fetus, developing out of its original blastema. It attaches the fetus to the uterine wall via the placenta. The placenta is also part of the fetus.
As such, expectant mothers who are pregnant with twin or triplets or however many there may be have as many umbilical cords inside them as there needs to be, one per soon-to-be baby.
As such, expectant mothers who are pregnant with twin or triplets or however many there may be have as many umbilical cords inside them as there needs to be, one per soon-to-be baby.
Acupuncture and Embryo Transfer: What’s All The Fuss About?
Pre and Post Acupuncture on the Day of Embryo Transfer increases successful outcome of IVF by 65% studies show. Read why below. Seven days a week as early as 5 am I have been available for my patients. I remember one Thanksgiving, I was here at my clinic at 5 AM with a temperature of 34 degrees outside! My patient delivered a red haired baby boy, 9 months later.
By Kristin Wisgirda, Lic, M.Ac.Senior Staff Acupuncturist The Domar Center for Mind/Body Health at Boston IVF Acupuncture has a long history of treating
Friday, March 4, 2016
D-Ribose and ATP's Influence in Reproduction and Energy Production in General
We know that second to the heart, the Reproductive system has the next greatest need for vascular supply. The reproductive system runs on a separate, secondary vascular system, meaning the vital organs are the first to recieve the blood supply needed to keep them functioning and it has its own vasuclar system. If those are running up to par with good blood supply for energy production within the cells of those organs, then the secondary vascular system can get the blood supply it needs, which has been shown to be second only to the heart. This is why couples who come to me who are stressed, overworked, and not sleeping or eating well and trying to fit in a social life, partaking in alcholic drinks and perhaps sugar based indulgeneces, then getting up at 6 AM or earlier to workout, 5 days a week, often cannot conceive or their reproductive systems are off balance or diseased. ATP production is the energy within the mitochondria of the cells which is considered the powerhouse within the cell. ATP production is paramount to the cellular division of a fertilized embryo from the moment it fertilizes to a 2, 4, 6 and finally an 8 cell which for those of you undergoing or who have undergone IVF, is the ultimate "Marula Stage" of the embryo or "day 5 embryo". If it makes it to this stage and the quality is good, there is a pretty good chance it will survive transfer into the uterus for implantation and make it to a blastocyst stage, which is a 64 cell division. By good quality, I mean, no fragmentation or crumbling looking cookies, nice even circular cell division. All of this is the job of the chemical ATP, which is crucial in so many cellular and muscular systems of the body as the article conveys. In my opinion, after reading about D-Ribose for a patient, I recently treated with acupuncture who had a moderate stroke, it could also be very beneficial for my patients with Infertility and the cellular division of a fertilized egg, perhaps even before that in the production of healthy follicles and sperm for both quality and quanity. Though I have not researched this, it is my knowledge on ATP and its importance in reproduction and normal cell division within the body that occured to me it could be very beneficial. I, myself took some chewables today and found my energy much improved and with cool weather like this it was nice to be outside. On my next post, I will share with you some pictures of embryos before 3 months of acupuncture and herbs and after and the quality difference. It is quite remarkable! As certain herbs, particularly Kidney Yang tonics have been shown to improve ATP production, however, it is the Kidney Yin herbs that nourish and restore as ATP production in itself gives off Free-Radicals, and it is the Yin herbs that offset that, in part I think that is the role of D-Ribose as it seems to restore the energy more than actually produce it.

The Life Changing Power of D-RIBOSE - Total Health Magazine
The Life Changing Power of D-RIBOSE

The Life Changing Power of D-RIBOSE - Total Health Magazine
The Life Changing Power of D-RIBOSE
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Coffee, Infertility, and Pregnancy
Risk of Infertility 55% higher with 1 cup per day and 100% higher for 1.5-3 cups per day….
Scientists have been debating for years about the effects of coffee on our health. As studies show, coffee is a definite “No” when it comes to pregnancy and fertility. A study conducted by Yale University School of Medicine examined a possible…
Caring for our Eggs and Sperm takes time….
Caring for our eggs/sperm and healing our bodies takes time. In Rebecca Fett's book review of It Start With the Egg she states: "After enduring several IVFs that ended in miscarriage, I believe the reason I was ultimately successful in having children is because I waited eight months before trying again, taking the time to heal my body--to rid it of stress, environmental toxins, and fertility drugs--and build it up with things like supplements, acupuncture, and herbs."
a blog by Suzanne Rico, April 8, 2014 “Most of our lives, our eggs are in a state of suspended animation as immature cells but in the three to four months…
"Its a boy!"
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Cellphones Making You Infertile
Huffman Wellness Acupuncture & Herbal Center for Fertility shared a link. Call today at 813-831-6080. Male Factor issues can be helped with Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.
Men using a cellphone for more than an hour a day could double their risk of infertility, according to new research.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Acupuncture Increases IVF Success Rate by 65%
Call Huffman Wellness Acupuncture & Herbal Center for Fertility 813-831-6080, or e-mail to schedule your Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine consult and treatment today before your Next IVF/FET/IUI or attempt on your own. The article does not talk about the effects of acupuncture for regulating the menstrual cycle, improving blood flow, and reducing obstructive effects of endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, varicocele issues, and resolving unexplained infertility, and male factor issues. All of these things within a few months of your cycles can be addressed. Ask for my 3 month package.
Acupuncture can increase the chances of getting pregnant for women undergoing fertility treatment by 65%, a review of the evidence concludes today
Acupuncture vrs Non-Acupuncture In IVF studies
Here in shortened summary is a study of two acupuncture protocals. A fairly significant increase in the pregnancy rates in the acupuncture group of 77/61% versus 49/37% in the non-acupuncture group. Acupuncture boosts the Qi which pushes the blood and moves the blood, hence improving blood flow to the gametes(Ovaries, Testes), uterus, tubes, and reducing obstructive issues such as endometriosis, PCOS, Varicocele issues, Male Factor issues, Unexplained Infertility, along with Premature Ovarian Failure, and Poor Ovarian Reserve.
After four years and blinded to the each other's work, the authors retrospectively reviewed the data (Table 1) of 216 patients who received acupuncture and were then divided into two groups: 111 patients in Acupuncture (Ac) and 106 patients in Non Acupuncture (No Ac)1. Their goal was to determine how many treatments it would take to show a statistically significant improvement in pregnancy outcomes for patients undergoing IVF1. They ultimately found that in the acupuncture group, the average number of EA treatments of the pregnant women was 8.4, compared to 5.1 EA treatments of the non-pregnant women1. They also observed the non-acupuncture group had a 37.4% pregnancy rate versus a stunning 61.1% pregnancy rate in the acupuncture group1.
Table 1
Type of study
Number of participants
Acupuncture group participants(Ac)
Non acupuncture group participants (No Ac)
Average number of EA tx in pregnant Ac group
Average number of EA tx in non-pregnant Ac group
Ac pregnancy rate
No Ac pregnancy rate
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Another reason to utilize acupuncture during your first trimester. It uplifts the Qi, reduces nausea, fatique, and helps to keep a "calm fetus" as they say in Chinese Medicine. The Chinese say if the fetus is restless in the womb, then miscarriage.
One of the most challenging problems to diagnose and treat for couples trying to conceive is the problem of recurrent early pregnancy loss (REPL).…
Sunday, February 14, 2016
What are the signs of heart health according to TCM? You may be surprised as to how the Heart can benefit from certain tastes, colors, even emotions!
Stem cells for Premature Ovarian Failure and Poor Ovarian Reserve would be a huge help for women as they age. However, according to Randine Lewis, who is less concerned with how to manipulate stem cells in the lab, "the ovaries respond to cues from the internal environment (the blood circulation, hormones, nutritional status, oxygneation, stress hormones in the blood, toxin and antioxidant levels….) and create a follicular environment to minic the body's internal response to it's external environment. It is within that follicular environment that the eggs that have been in a dormant state since before birth undergo meiosis and wait to see if they will be selected for maturation and ovulation." In another article she states mammalian ovaries have specialized stem cells that make new eggs throughout a woman's life." In Chinese Medicine we help to nuture this process via acupuncture, herbs, nutritional education, tuning into the body's deeper wisdom, to its own healing sources. Ancient Chinese Medicine says it is not the Kidneys(which govern the ovaries), but the Heart which governs the spirit and its interaction with the primordial potential within the ovaries. "Energetically one's highest potential must reach into one's most basic potential," says Randine.
Egg-producing stem cells found in human ovaries Scientists say they have found a way to use ovarian stem cells to perhaps one day help infertile women…
Monday, February 8, 2016
Dana's Fertility Story
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Dana, Baby Hudson & Harper |
My husband and I began trying for a baby in 2009, the year we got married. I was turning 30 and we felt it was time to start our family. But, it just wasn't happening naturally. During this time, I also began suffering terribly painful menstrual cramps. After six months of failed pregnancy attempts and increasingly excruciating cycles, I decided to see a fertility specialist. The tests returned normal resulting in unexplained infertility. We tried Clomid-based IUI's…six times, still no luck. The doctor suggested I have laparoscopic surgery where we learned I had stage II endometriosis. In 2010 we decided to move on to IVF. The high cost of an IVF cycle led us to decide on the split donor program where we would donate half of my eggs to another infertile couple who, in return, pay half of the expense. I was preparing mentally, taking my medications, thinking about the journey ahead. I was excited. That excitement quickly deflated when the doctor noticed a large cyst on my ovaries during a routine sonogram. I was told to quit all medications and that the cycle would be postponed to the next month once the cyst had ceased.
I was devastated. I felt we were going to lose the opportunity to participate in the donor program because of this. The following month, the cyst was still there…another delay. After having an AMH test, we discovered that my ovarian reserve was very low and that donating half my eggs would not be a good idea. I became angry and confused. Why wasn’t this considered and tested two years ago?
As my determination grew, I became more proactive in the process. I did a lot of reading and research, started taking various supplements and began receiving acupuncture. On the second fresh IVF cycle, I got pregnant with my daughter. The news brought a combination of unsurpassed joy, relief and a bit of shock since all previous outcomes were not positive. Once the reality settled in, I was overcome with happiness. It was the best day of my life.
The pregnancy was great. I only felt sick for a couple of weeks, after which I was able to truly enjoy the experience. Our daughter was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn't wait to try again and give her a sibling.
I figured that maybe because I got pregnant before that number two would be easier. WRONG! After another failed IUI attempt, we decided to move onto IVF. This is when I started going to Carolyn Huffman for acupuncture - January 2014.
I mentally and physically prepared myself for this next IVF cycle by completely changing my diet, giving up coffee and other things that could negatively affect my body. I felt prepared and positive. But unfortunately, it was a disappointing cycle. With only 2 embryos, the nurse tried talking me into converting to an IUI, but I didn't listen. I wanted to give it a shot and see what happened. The quality of the two looked pretty good and I thought for sure that this was going to work. But it was negative and I had to go through all of this again.
The third IVF cycle was a total bust. Four eggs were retrieved and three of them fertilized abnormally. Once again, I was disappointed and depressed. I began to consider using donor eggs if all else failed. I was determined to have another baby. I decided to give it one more shot using my eggs and move on if it didn't work.
I gave myself three months to prepare my body for this final cycle. During my research, I discovered that the use of Human Growth Hormone with IVF improved egg quality. I also read that an Endometrial Scratch test could help with implantation. So I made an appointment with my doctor for a consultation and I had a list of things that I wanted to try with this cycle. I told him this was my last try using my eggs and I planned to do whatever it costs/takes to make this work. We decided on a new protocol that I hadn't tried before and added Human Growth Hormone. We also included ICSI and an Endometrial Scratch. He suggested that we grow the embryos to day five instead of doing a day three transfer. If they were still slow-growing by day five, he wanted to freeze them and do a fresh embryo transfer two months later. Studies conclude that success rates are higher with frozen cycles than fresh because the drugs are absent from the body and the ovaries are not stimulated. I was really nervous about this approach, but decided to trust him and the science.
The cycle was going great and I had a really good feeling. Five eggs were retrieved and four fertilized. On day three, the nurse called and said that one had stopped growing but the other three were doing great – two of the eggs were 8-cell AA! I have never had an 8-cell embryo, I was so happy to hear this.
I was still scheduled for the transfer just in case. I went in for acupuncture at 5:30 a.m. the nurse was going to call me at 6 a.m. to tell me if there was going to be a transfer. The nurse informed me that they were both growing a bit slow and that the doctor wants to continue to day six and freeze. Once again, I was deflated and wished that they had just done the transfer anyway. Now I would have to wait two more months, mentally and physically preparing myself all over again. It was an exhausting process and I was ready for it to be over. I thought that a frozen cycle would be a piece of cake, but it wasn’t. Additionally, I had to worry about my two embryos surviving the thaw. This was the most stressful cycle I'd ever done. I was so frustrated with my doctor for making me go through this, but I had to trust his approach.

My advice to anyone that is going through this is to do your own research so you can understand the whole process before hand. I feel like the first year of multiple IUI's was a waste of time. I wish I had moved to IVF sooner. I learned so much in the last six years. I didn't realize how stressful this could be. Infertility was the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. Not only does it take a toll on the mind, but the body as well. I truly feel like Carloyn’s treatments and care were a great help in alleviating these constant struggles in both mind and body.
The last six years have been a whirlwind to say the least. But, with the help and support of my husband, family and friends, and the determination I found within myself, we are now complete. I am overwhelmed with joy every time I look at our two lovely children. The path may have been rocky, but the view ahead is absolutely beautiful.
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