We know that second to the heart, the Reproductive system has the next greatest need for vascular supply. The reproductive system runs on a separate, secondary vascular system, meaning the vital organs are the first to recieve the blood supply needed to keep them functioning and it has its own vasuclar system. If those are running up to par with good blood supply for energy production within the cells of those organs, then the secondary vascular system can get the blood supply it needs, which has been shown to be second only to the heart. This is why couples who come to me who are stressed, overworked, and not sleeping or eating well and trying to fit in a social life, partaking in alcholic drinks and perhaps sugar based indulgeneces, then getting up at 6 AM or earlier to workout, 5 days a week, often cannot conceive or their reproductive systems are off balance or diseased. ATP production is the energy within the mitochondria of the cells which is considered the powerhouse within the cell. ATP production is paramount to the cellular division of a fertilized embryo from the moment it fertilizes to a 2, 4, 6 and finally an 8 cell which for those of you undergoing or who have undergone IVF, is the ultimate "Marula Stage" of the embryo or "day 5 embryo". If it makes it to this stage and the quality is good, there is a pretty good chance it will survive transfer into the uterus for implantation and make it to a blastocyst stage, which is a 64 cell division. By good quality, I mean, no fragmentation or crumbling looking cookies, nice even circular cell division. All of this is the job of the chemical ATP, which is crucial in so many cellular and muscular systems of the body as the article conveys. In my opinion, after reading about D-Ribose for a patient, I recently treated with acupuncture who had a moderate stroke, it could also be very beneficial for my patients with Infertility and the cellular division of a fertilized egg, perhaps even before that in the production of healthy follicles and sperm for both quality and quanity. Though I have not researched this, it is my knowledge on ATP and its importance in reproduction and normal cell division within the body that occured to me it could be very beneficial. I, myself took some chewables today and found my energy much improved and with cool weather like this it was nice to be outside. On my next post, I will share with you some pictures of embryos before 3 months of acupuncture and herbs and after and the quality difference. It is quite remarkable! As certain herbs, particularly Kidney Yang tonics have been shown to improve ATP production, however, it is the Kidney Yin herbs that nourish and restore as ATP production in itself gives off Free-Radicals, and it is the Yin herbs that offset that, in part I think that is the role of D-Ribose as it seems to restore the energy more than actually produce it.
The Life Changing Power of D-RIBOSE - Total Health MagazineThe Life Changing Power of D-RIBOSE