Monday, February 3, 2014


"Systemic inflammation----the body's response, through the production of white blood cells and other substances, to infection or other threats---is associated with nearly every modern chronic disease, from arthritis to Alzheimer's to autoimmune disorders to gastrointestinal diseases."  And to this list I would add cardiovascular disease, fertility, high cholesterol, and stress as it raises cortisol and the bodies response to this is an increase in white blood cell production.  
Chris Kresser in his book, "Your Personal Paleo Code",  states this in his chapter about EPA and DHA,  essential fatty acids found primarily in fish or often referred to as Omega 3.  Inadequate intake of of EPA and DHA can cause systemic inflammation.  Eating lots of Omega 6 found in refined oils like corn, peanut, soy, safflower, sunflower, present in most processed foods has a pro-inflammatory effect found in everything from salad dressings to crackers to most restaurant foods.

Acupuncture reduces inflammation by releasing neurotransmitters from the brain to the sites of inflammation and reduces the overdrive effect of the immune system by taming it down and reducing the local inflammatory response via more blood flow or less depending on whether the condition is more chronic or acute.  It also regulates the production of hormones inclusive of cortisol the great stress hormone.  In addition, it improves the Mitochondria present in the DNA of the cell especially for division of the follicle into an 8 cell embryo.  These Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of the cell and we now know that epigenetically(the ability to express or suppress certain genes good or bad), we can influence them in a positive way via diet, acupuncture, lifestyle, to improve the quality and response of this division.