Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Effects of EMF's and Cell Phone Usage…..Remember when Cigarettes and Lead Gasoline were debunked as bad

For the longest time cigarettes and lead gasoline were debunked is this what we are waiting for again before cancers like these spread?  Yes it turned out Lebron's tumor was benign, good thing, but all tumors if left can become malignant.  I now turn my phone off at night and when I carry it in my purse shopping, since it is right next to my body.  I also try to use the speaker and hold the phone away from my ear if I cannot use the speaker.  What steps are you taking?  I know some Paleo bloggers have chosen to not own a cell phone, only a landline.

How Lebron James' Cell Phone Gave Him Mouth Cancer - learn the links between cell phones and mouth cancer.