When I first studied acupuncture, after it was the only thing that relieved my low back degenerative disc pain and sciatica, I learned from a reputable teacher, that the acupuncture needle acts like a little lightning bolt that taps into the bodies bio-electrical energy, thereby releasing the body's natural pain killers such as endorphins, neurotransmitters from the brain to the site of inflamation along with flooding the body with these feel good hormones. No wonder I loved it, for a whole week I felt like someone had given me an elixir and nothing seemed to bother me! I was calm, mellow yet energetic. Yes, my pain had dissipated, but better than that was my calm energy. That is why it works so well for anxiety and depression in addition, which as we know, is often a result of the pain or an inducement of the pain. It took time for my low back pain to totally go away, about two months as I never wanted it to come back and it did not, as I kept up my treatments once or twice a week. After a year, on and off of debilitating pain and being flat on my back, I was elated! Call me today