Any health difficulty is hard espcially when it becomes chronic and consumes your life. Recently a dental issue has led me down a very long journey and yet, I understand better now what my women with fertility issues go through. The path can be long and twisted and seeking out the right doctor/doctors to help along the way can be even harder.
You hope to find one knowledgeable but approachable, caring and empathetic to your needs. Many of my couples go out of state and even out of the country, especially when they turn 40 with their fertility issues. Being able to connect with your practitioner is key. This is also one big difference between Western Medicine and practicing Chinese Medicine, often we have more time to listen, to hear what is beyond the physical symptoms of our patient. Miscarriage is probably one of the most difficult situations to face and the fear of it occuring can even be more stifling. This is where encouragement and reassuance really helps my patients out. Advanced maternal age is another category extremely difficult to face with little time on their side.
We all need encouragement, reassurance and guidance no matter what the health circumstance may be, that we are on the path to health especially from our doctors. It also sometimes means being able to tell the truth if the treatment is appropriate or not, needs further testing, treatment time or just plain " We or I really do not know for sure" or "you need to proceed in this direction ultimately or to face a certain fact about your health situation". Having the integrity and empathy to communicate this is part of our jobs and part of the Hippocratic oath. I also believe the Doctor/patient relation is so important to the healing process, and can often lead to better overall outcome. If the doctor is aloof, distant or noncommunicative this makes it difficult for the patient to be a part of the treatment protocal. Doctors that include you in that process help you to be a part of the team, in accomplishing the healhty result you aim to achieve.
I always try to empower my patients with what they can do on their own, it helps me to help them better. Taking the time to find out where they are at and what is going on and what concerns they may have. Making the patient feel comfortable and encouraging him to follow or comply with the treatment protocal laid out is an ongoing process with forward steps and many times backwards. Sometimes the patient gives up before the goal is reached as the treatment is too time involved or exspensive and you can see they are at the end of their rope or not communicating anymore with you especially cause our treatment with Acupuncture and herbs is not a quick fix or a surgical procedure or strategy. None the less you plug away as my teacher Jane Lyttleton an Ausie from Sydney always says. Her demeanor and wisdom is an honor to our profession and to all in this healing medicinal art. I strive to become the healing practitioner that she is with her soft spoken, extremely wise manner. She was a former scienctist with NASA.