Might be Yogurt with no sugar added, Kefir, Kombucha drinks, Sauerkraut, Kimchi(which I have not tried yet) or taking a Probiotic Supplement but always best to get your nutrients from a food source. Just think your kid will think clearer. Especially if he/she has had a history of antibiotic consumption, as I heavily did as a kid, till I realized too quick these things do not even work, cause why I am always sick, and then moody, in a brain fog. So You Do Not Even Have To Be Autistic to feel the effects of not enough bacteria in your gut. This is weird I know, but after eating my homemade sauerkraut, several times I notice how clear and focused I was!
Autism’s Gut-Brain Connection
Treatment for autism may one day come in the form of a probiotic - live, 'friendly' bacteria like those found in yogurt.