Thursday, April 2, 2009

Blood is like Sunshine & Water to your Eggs & Uterus

"Can egg quality be improved? Think of it like this, the eggs are like beautiuful little flowers that need lots of sunshine and water to thrive and thick rich soil to grow in. " I quote this notation from Dr. Mike Berkley, a very wise practitioner and teacher who practices in NY. "Blood flow makes all the difference. Blood is a messenger that carries nutrients, hormones, oxygen, and electrolytes to the ovaries(the soil) and to the eggs themselves. Blood makes a return trip from the ovaries too. On its way back, it takes dead cells(known as debris) away from the ovaries. This delivery of the 'good' and excretion of the 'bad' is the rain and sunshine the ovaries need to improve the follicles and the eggs.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine answer this call beautifully. They are efficeint methods for improving blood flow. And amazingly, after a period of treatment with acupuncture and herbs we see the FSH start to go down!" But this is not only true for FSH levels which in turn affect follicular and oocyte health but for the quality of the uterus lining as well.
Thanks Mike for this insight! I love reading your blog musings and hope you do not mind I quote you if you ever read mine.