"Hi Carolyn,
I just realized that I didn't send you the latest pictures (the last 5 pics) of our ultrasound done May 20th. The Dr. said everything looked great! Yeah!! You can see the baby sucking it's thumb in the first picture, just like their big sister!! We will go back to the Perinatologist on June 29th and find out the sex too.
It seems strange not seeing you every week!
Hope all is well with you and I will talk to you soon and let you know any updates. Our next regular ob visit is June 8th.
Janice & Baby"
"Hi Carolyn,
Isn't it amazing to look at the progression of these pictures? I am definitely starting to show and clothes are getting a bit snug for me. Makes it all a bit more real too which is nice. I would love to put something together for you to put on your website and it is no problem to use the ultrasound pictures either. I don't care if my name is on them or not. I haven't been shy about telling people that we did IUI since you never know who else may be battling fertility problems too and maybe our story will help others too."
Weeks ago if you remember I wrote and sent prayers for Janice on my blog and well those weeks passed. Janice did acupuncture with me for 6 months beginning July 30, 2008 but the work paid off. Yes she did an IUI with injectibles after trying on her own. She will be 40 years old in July this year. She also sadly had one unassisted pregnancy about 2 months before which ended in a miscarriage within a month with me. In addition before she saw me she had a few months of acupuncture somewhere else. I would call that commitment to a process. Chinese Medicine has proven success rates, increasing the odds with assisted techniques by 65%!
Most women as Dr. Randine Lewis who wrote The Infertility Cure would say, are not infertile, but simply imbalanced. Because of her own personal experience with infertility and her success with natural treatments utilizing Chinese Medicine, nutrition and lifestyle changes she has helped women become and stay pregnant.
How does success come? Success comes when we know we are doing good things for our body, mind and spirit, when we consciously take and active role in our health to prevent imbalance and to make adjustments in our diet, exercise routine, meditation and work ethics. It also, is realized when the menstrual cramps subside, the constipation stops, the headaches go away and your overall energy and sleep patterns improve.
Last week I received an e-mail from one of my patients I had not seen in a bit due to some unforseen circumstances. She said she wanted to come by for a few minutes to see me. I said that was fine. When she walked in, I saw the bassinette and said, "boy Darla that was quick!"
With a glow on her face I had not seen, she smiled "yes, just as we were getting ready for an IUI, Doctor Welden called and said he had to go out of town, we got the call they had a baby for us from the adoption agency!" Prettiest little baby girl I had seen with big blue eyes and I have never seen Darla look so happy...she said even her chronic constipation had disappeared.
I said you look like a natural with that baby. She said I feel that way and with one week to prepare they had the baby from birth. After our visit she sent this e-mail below.
"Carolyn,It was great to see you, too. I was so excited and couldn't wait to share my story with you and show off my baby girl. I will send you some pictures and write something for you to post. I truly feel that what happened was part of my destiny.I'll be in touch soon.Darla:"
After seeing Darla so happy, I wanted her to share her story so other couples would know this is a viable option in this fertiltiy process. God Bless.
I also want to send my prayers and love to some clients of mine who moved right after they conceived with acupuncture. His wife had gone into preterm labor and had to be on some drugs to maintain the pregnancy and was in the hospital. She was 26 weeks pregnant and I have not heard back this week how things were going.
For now, I must fix some lunch and return to work. For those of you still not there, hang in there..this goes for Sonia, Amber and Melody who have worked with me now for awhile. My prayers go out to them. They deserve this miracle of life! The seeds of life are planted within them! YES! YES!