Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Spleen and it's role in reproduction

The Spleen in Western terms plays a role in the production and destruction of blood and immune cells. In Chinese Medicine, the spleen system includes the pancreas and governs most energetic processes in the body. The spleen transforms food into usuable nutrients and Qi to produce blood. So if we want a healthy menstrual cycle then we better eat good to have healthy blood. The Spleen is responsible not only for overall energy production but also for hormones such as the thyroid hormone, aspects of progesterone production, and immunologic systems. If the Spleen is weak, thyroid abnormalities, autoimmune processes, allergies, digestive disturbances and bleeding disorders can all occur. Menstrual difficulties can also be caused by its imbalance.
Excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates damage the Spleen and damp, greasy foods clog up its works. When the Spleen is weak we feel tired especially after eating lunch and or are muscles and whole body can ache. Often one has loose stools. In the menstrual cycle, if there is spotting before the period this is a sign of Spleen weakness.
Worry is the emotion associated with the Spleen. Also excessive use of the mind in thinking, studying, concentrating, memorizing over a long period of time tends to weaken the Spleen. This also includes "brooding". Exercise is beneficial. More on the spleen later after I get some nourishment myself. Above is Vals baby, Rachal who is now 3 months old what a cutie! Val had PCOS and worked with me for 6 months.