Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage

Recently I have been consulted to write a chapter for a book on Fertility, Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage and as I was reviewing my patient files I became aware of how many of my women have had a previous history of miscarriage.  Not just one but even three.  Miscarriage typically occurs before 13 weeks.  Often women will miscarry early as in week 5 or 6 with no heartbeat, others will get a heartbeat at 6 or 7 weeks and then by 9, no heartbeat and they will begin spotting to eventually getting their period.   I see so many at 9 weeks; the woman is delighted to have gotten the ultrasound heartbeat, it was good and strong, only to find out by 9 weeks there is no heartbeat or she will begin spotting or bleeding.  Devastating to say the least.   Most of the women receiving acupuncture after they had a prior history of miscarriage do not miscarry again.  However, if they have never gotten pregnant but they do conceive after receiving several weeks of acupuncture and then miscarry it is a sign their Qi or Blood was not quite strong enough yet, but they did conceive and that is the key.   Now, it is essential they maintain their treatments for the first 12 weeks especially with a history of miscarriage, because the likelihood is always greater with a previous history whether it be miscarriage or any of the list of adverse events that can occur during Pregnancy, this is also true for those with the tendency toward Preterm labor (anything after 20 weeks but before 37 weeks).  Acupuncture helps to contain the QI, calm the fetus, quiet the spirit of the mother and support the spleen whose role it is to transport and transform the food we eat so our blood and yin our nourished better, this is why it helps with miscarriage.