Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Emotional Affects of Infertility Can Be Debilitating

Fertility issues can be like any health issue, emotionally debilitating. Causing depression, anxiety, worry, basically consuming your whole being. Often hard to talk about because other people do not really understand, making it even harder. Women often tell me it is hard to share their sorrow with their husband because of how it affects their relationship. They may have broken down in tears and it is hard to hold back those tears in front of someone so close. So you try to be strong and not show how you feel. Same goes when you have to attend someone else's baby shower, so terribly hard to hold back how you really feel inside. You want to show how happy you are but all you can feel is "why them and not me?" Frustration and anger can naturally accumulate internally making the matter worse.

How does one deal with this, if such a natural process as conceiving does not manifest for a couple?

Well, in addition to acupuncture helping physically we know it helps emotionally and mentally. So many of my women after just a few sessions come back and say my husbund says "I am not as bitchy, or irritable and that i am calmer overall," Why is this though? Acupuncture does relase neurotransmitters from the brain and endorphins in addition to opening up the blood flow and balancing out the funcition of the channels and meridians of the vital and secondary organ systems. it also regulates hormones and opens up the HPO and HPA axis. All of this has a regulating and calming affect on the body.