Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Epigenetics is an interesting concept and one that acupuncture and lifestyle can influnce.
"Epi" refers to "around" or "surrounding". Epigenetics is the surrounding layer of information that decides if and when genes are expressed. Specific epigenetic processes include:
Paramutation, bookmarking, X chromosomes inactivation, position effect, maternal effects, the progress of carcinogenesis and many more. So essentially certain genes get tagged for expression others for nonexpression. The expression of some genes is believed to be predetermined but others can be influenced by the cell's environment. Influences on Epigenetic Factors include many but some subjects of research have been:
-Nutritional Status
45% of our DNA is so-called "junk" that has accumulated over the eons from infectious bacteria, viruses and other organisms that insert their genetics into our DNA. In Chinese Medicine we say when pathogens enter deep into the body they enter the "jing level", once there, they can be incorporated into our DNA. How do they do this?
-Unresolved exterior conditions often very common with OTC meds
-Severe Emotional Trauma
-Heavy Metals
I find this subject fascinating. I believe we have more influence on our genes then we realize.
I have been told that between acupuncture, diet, herbs and lifestyle, IQ scores have risen by 5 points or so. I think this is apparent in schools where kids are given a healthy breakfast and it is shown they respond quicker and overall are more attentive. I also, have seen women both young and old who have premature ovarian failure and are told they will never conceive without donar eggs, turn around their hormone levels and develop some healthy eggs. It might take a year and some discipline on their part but it has been done.