Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Treating Injuries with Acupuncture: Reduces Inflamation, & Scar Tissue

Acupuncture works great when you have an injured sprained ankle like mine. Especially when you can treat it right away as I did last night when it occurred. This is an old sprain and I immediately went into protective mode and treated it as I knew this was my 4th time over many years spraining it and the scar tissue is deeply embedded within the connective tissue. i also had to take a look at the emotional connection linked to this injury. Why do I keep hurting myself, what am I sad about or angry about in my life? It forced me to take a look at those things in my life I have not been happy about, as I believe our body talks to us and especially when we do not listen. It will scream out at us to pay attention. For me I know it is making more of a spiritual connection with all that I do in my life and to tie that more in with my career. My spirit is calling me in everyday to connect more with it, to feel more fulfilled....and aren't we all wanting more of this? More joy? It is not just about staying healthy but of making healthy connections, of finding our inner essence in the simple day to day routines. How do we do that without feeling isolated, or unfulfilled. Gangaji would say "do nothing", stop the search, just be and in just being you bring presence to the moment and life unfolds. Tonight oddly enough I am tuning into a webinar on EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques) by medical doctor Larry Burk author of the book "Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist" Excited to learn more. It basically is a self care approach to teach my acupuncture clients and myself.