Friday, August 30, 2013

Acupuncture Catching Up With Massage for Relaxation

I often muse how long it took massage to catch on here in Tampa back in the early 1980's when I was first doing massage and you had to specify it was a "Therapeutic Massage". Now everyone gets massages, loves them. So, I think it may be that way for acupuncture here, where people are still skeptical of the relaxation and health benefits of it. I hear comments like, "is it going overboard for what I need with my fertility or health?" Or RE doctors saying you can "try it, won't hurt". And yet in CO, CA, NY it is hot, people seek it out as a first option for their health maintenance and fertility. Why? It is less invasive, good for you, cheaper in the long run.
I recall one of my fertility patient's telling me Dr. Schoolcraft in CO requires women, especially over 35 to get acupuncture for 3 months before even coming to see him. I believe he said Chinese Herbs and supplements as well too.