Like this link a lot and am a big believer in food being thy medicine first. Does it not make sense to eat cooling fresh food when you feel feverish or hot and warming, nourishing food when you are cold and depleted? And when you feel stuck and stagnant to clean out a bit with really clean, bland lightly cooked or steamed food only? What you do at home empowers you and your health. It often is the jumpstart that when combined with acupuncture and Chinese Medicine works superbly to manifest fertile soil for your fertility. Take advantage of these helpful hints.

Supporting IVF with Dietary Therapy
Many patients pair IVF treatments with Traditional Chinese Medicine. For those people, it is important to know some general traditional principles to help facil
Like this link a lot and am a big believer in food being thy medicine first. Does it not make sense to eat cooling fresh food when you feel feverish or hot and warming, nourishing food when you are cold and depleted? And when you feel stuck and stagnant to clean out a bit with really clean, bland lightly cooked or steamed food only? What you do at home empowers you and your health. It often is the jumpstart that when combined with acupuncture and Chinese Medicine works superbly to manifest fertile soil for your fertility. Take advantage of these helpful hints.

Supporting IVF with Dietary Therapy
Many patients pair IVF treatments with Traditional Chinese Medicine. For those people, it is important to know some general traditional principles to help facil