Which Tongue are you? Did you know your tongue appearance changes and reflects a deeper internal condition as well as each part represents a different organ in Chinese Medicine. Looking at the tongue is a diagnostic tool to helping us differentiate your disease or inbalanced pattern. So on this post showing the different tongues…. look at yours and see which one matches. For example if you have a really red tongue might need to clear heat. Could do some simple things like eat more greens or cooling food like cucumbers, celery, lemons. If it is pale might need to eat more warming foods like a beef stew or chicken soup and add some ginger or tumeric. If there is some phelgm or coating on it might need to clear it out by eating some fermented sour food like sauerkraut and avoid dairy. Always start with food but if need more than Medicinal Balancing Chinese Herbs will help and or acupuncture. Make Sense?