Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Those who received acupuncture increased their chances of conceiving by 65 percent.
February 8, 2008 ,
Victorio Hernandez- AHN News Writer
London, England(AHN)-Seven scientific trials among 1,366 women of different ages who found it difficult to conceive showed that having acupuncture at the same time the embryo was placed inside the womb during an invitro fertilization precedure more than doubles the chance of the woman becoming pregnant.
The study was made by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the VU University Amsterdam. It compared results of women who underwent acupuncture, those who were given fake needle treatments and those who had no extra therapy.
Those who received acupuncture increased their chances of conceiving by 65 percent, the study said. The British Medical Journal published the result of the medical breakthrough Friday.
While the study did not clearly explain how acupuncture aids fertility, experts theorized it could possibly be the relaxing effect of acupuncutre on the IVF procedure, considered extremely stressful.
Compared with repeated fertility treatment cycles which costs $7,784(4,000 pounds) per cycle in Britain, the acupuncture therapy is easier on the pocket.
One percent of births in the U.K. or 11,000 babies out of 32,000 IVF procedures are born every year in the U.K. The findings will be particularily significant for many western nations grappling with dwindling populations.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The ones that make the time and allow for the process where they change their eating and lifestyle habits, incorporate relaxation techniques and herbs and acupuncture find success not only in optimized fertility but also in quality of life (both physical and emotional).
My clients who have worked with me for at least 3 months know this to be true and some have taken 6 or 9 months but the time, is worth the wait.
Many of you who have conceived over the last several years are ready to have another child. Sometimes the second child is even harder not just because you are a year older but because, the energy it takes to raise a child can deplete your own energy that is why acupuncture is so helpful in the interim to boost your qi, your blood and revitalize your spirit. Herbal supplements are a wonderful addition when you cannot come in for acupuncture. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is a wonderful tonic after having a child, I recommend it often in the year after delievery.
Monday, September 7, 2009
IVF Success Rate for 43+ vrs Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)
In addition I say why would you not want to do something good for you?? Even though many couples are diagnosed with unexplained infertility, in TCM we know there are subclinical to deeper underlying issues going on when the body is not able to conceive. The beauty is we can address these issues. Western Medicine may not understand the term Kidney Essence, Yin, or Yang Deficiency or Spleen Deficiency, or Liver Blood Deficiency and Liver Qi Stagnation but all of these can be constitutional health issues or brought on by lifestyle. As practitioners of Chinese Medicine we can guide our patients back to balance. With a combination of acupuncture, Chinese Medicinals, food and lifestyle changes, - balance, health and fertility can be achieved and without side effects and with a better more positive mental attitude. It does take time however, but in the long run it does not reverse time and you feel super in a myriad of other ways. God Bless!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Liver Qi Stagnation and Unfulfilled Desires
Ahh free flow, when everything in our life is going smoothly and we feel on top of the world. Things just seem to fall into place. When they don't however, we emotionally become frustrated. Frustration and pent up emotions such as anger, cause us to tense up, we may develop some neck or shoulder pain, or a headache or severe menstrual cramps, PMS or a physical problem we never had before. Also, a long term illness or injury can cause us to develop this, because it limits our ability to do the things we normally love.
We can help ourselves with this by doing deep breathing, exercising, meditating, and focusing on letting go and accepting that which we cannot change, opening up to the now and seeing what happens as Eckhart Tolle and Deepok Chopra always say. Use the stumbling blocks in your life as a portal to take you deeper into the moment into your most perfect self when you let go of how it should look or be, then miracles do happen! Sometimes though surviving the emotional turmoil is real tough. I believe staying with your emotions is key, and knowing they will pass, especially if you can breathe, allow your body to regain a calmness and the mind to stop its endless story of how bad off things are. I love the feeling of the "Peace that Passeth All Understanding" There is no other feeling like it. I believe this is what St. Frances meant when he said, " True Happiness is Finding Peace In the Midst of Suffering"
Acupuncture is a perfect anecdote to moving our Qi, particularily when it has become chronically stuck. Helping us get the "Ahh" back in our lives. It is an energetic modality which biochemically releases our endorphins and neurotransmitters as well as regulates our hormones and immune system(when our immune system becomes overactive as in autoimmune diseases.) Using points along the Liver meridian like Liver 2, 3, 5 and 8 really help to smooth out the flow and soothe the liver. The liver sometimes is likened to a bully in the sense that when it becomes congested it will attack the other weaker organs especially the spleen.
Liver fire is a reference to heat rising or flaring upward causing an outburst in emotions as in raging anger, or eye problems or an intense head pain or an increase in high blood pressure. In this case, we sedate the liver. Sometimes women before their period can have this, when the blood has pooled up in the liver, which stores it before the menses begin. Menstrual clots during the period and spotting inbetween are examples of liver Qi stagnation which many women have. I see this all the time with women trying to conceivce who cannot. Once they begin a course of acupuncture treatments however, this is one of the first things that clears up along with the PMS and irritability(so often they tell me their husbands noticed they are less irritable) then I know and if they are patient and the body becomes regulated then conception can occur.
Acupuncture is an ancient procedure. When I use to do the Great American Teach In's for the schools, no matter what age, I would tell how acupuncture came to be, because when you are in pain or hurt you often hold the area to protect it but also to soothe and maybe alleviate some of the distress. So before metal needles were developed they would just apply pressure with stone or wood and then they began to sharpen them and apply more pressure to get even better results.
Stay tuned for how coffee, drugs, and alchohol congest the liver, yes even small amounts if you are already out of balance as in not being able to conceive or carry to turn.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
God's Blessings Abound Far More Than Our Minds Can Fathom. May We Send This Goodness To Our Fellow Human Beings And Let Peace Reside In Our Hearts.

Welcome another new arrival born August 14th 2009!
Mom went into preterm labor back in June and we were a bit concerned as I had stated in one of my earlier blogs, but he was born just at 38 weeks and is a healthy baby boy!
His Dad after 8 months of acupuncture, change of diet, lifestyle, and a focus on his spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health, he and his wife conceived. She also received acupuncture and both took herbs throughout. In addition, I believe the meditation, postive thinking, and chakra work helped to keep them focused and calm and it also took their relationship to another level. As you all know, this fertility process can have some devasting effects on your relationships. I only wish they were still here in Florida.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ron & Tamra, Proud Parents of Baby Chase
With each treatment on Ron, I would place points to improve the motility of his sperm, and for that matter the morphology and count. Points in the abdomen include both the Ren, Kidney, Stomach, and Spleen meridians and we did points along all 4 of them to help open blood flow and move any stagnant Qi as a result of the previous vasectomy surgery. Of course even the points we did for his low back helped to improve his fertility as the Du points and Backshu points are powerful points for reproductive health.
Prayers and Blessings to Jaime and Amber's IVF Success!!!
It was so nice to hear from Jaime. For all of you reading this, please send her your prayers for her second IVF where she now lives in NJ. Back in 2007 she received acupuncture with me for 3 months before undergoing IVF. It was her first IVF and she wanted to do it right and she has William to show for it. In addition Amber, who has been undergoing acupuncture treatments will be having her first IVF Saturday August 8th if all goes well. If you could all send her your prayers. I pray her blessing will be received. Jaime said she would pray for you as well Amber.
HERE'S TO AMBER! Love, prayers and all our blessings. God Bless.
A Voice From The Past, Always Good To Hear!

Long time, no talk. I am not sure if you actually intended to send this to me, ie the Mother Theresa Novena, but the timing is interesting. As you know, I moved back to New Jersey about a year and half ago. William whom you helped me to conceive was born in NY on June 5, 2008. I am currently going through IVF again and my transfer is this Sunday. I was just recently thinking about you as I had some trouble finding an acupuncturist to treat me pre and post embryo transfer. I was remembering how nice it was when you came to my hotel in Clearwater to treat me. I wish you were here now! I did find someone though and I am all set for Sunday. Please pray for me!
Attached is a picture of William.
I hope all is well with you. Happy Birthday!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Gonal F Meds @ a Reduced Rate
Hi Carolyn,
How are you? We are doing well. I am about 22 weeks now and progressing along fine, definitely getting bigger and I am feeling the baby moving on a daily basis now which is makes it all a little more real. I am usually exhausted at night and my feet are beginning to get a bit sore, and the nausea seems to be less now, although I am still taking the Zofran as needed but trying to get through the day without it.
I have a question for you. I have 25 syringes of Gonal-F Rff 75 iu left over from our IUI treatments. The expiration date on them is Apr 2010, so I won't be able to use them in time, but I was wondering if you know of anyone else who might be able to? I know I could donate them to my Dr's office to give to patients, but I would like to try to sell them to someone to see if we can get our money back. The cost of the medication without insurance was $2748.50 ($109.94/syringe), but luckily, our insurance had only a 30% co-pay, so we ended up paying approximately $824.55. I am trying to find someone who doesn't have RX coverage for these kinds of meds to sell them to since it would be a great savings to them and we could get our money back from what we paid (I don't want to make anything, just cover what we paid) and then I will put that money towards this baby's cord blood banking. I thought I would contact you to see if you might know of anyone or if there was anyone you might be treating who could benefit from this...I don't know anyone else who is going through fertility treatment at the moment.
Anyways, if you can think of anyone, let me know.
I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying your summer. I will keep you posted on any baby updates. My next appointment is Fri the 31st....just a general check up, no ultrasound.
Janice & Kaitlyn too :o)
By the way, the website and blog look great. It has been a while since I was on it and you have done a lot of changes. I was especially touched to see a bit of our story posted and in reading your little note you posted way back in February. That was the first I had seen of it and was very touched by your brought tears to my eyes! You are such a wonderful and caring person Carolyn and you just put so much of your self into all of us you treat and get to know so personally. You truly are one of a kind!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Spleen and it's role in reproduction
Friday, June 19, 2009
TESSA LEE BORN 6/12/09, What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Always Stay in Vegas!!
Hi everyone....Tessa Lee is here,, She is 21 inches and 6 pounds 11 oz. Everyone is good. She was born 6/12 AT 6:18 PM. WE ARE BLESSED !!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ultrasound Pics And Most Women are Not Infertile, Simply Imbalanced

I just realized that I didn't send you the latest pictures (the last 5 pics) of our ultrasound done May 20th. The Dr. said everything looked great! Yeah!! You can see the baby sucking it's thumb in the first picture, just like their big sister!! We will go back to the Perinatologist on June 29th and find out the sex too.
It seems strange not seeing you every week!
Hope all is well with you and I will talk to you soon and let you know any updates. Our next regular ob visit is June 8th.
Janice & Baby"
Isn't it amazing to look at the progression of these pictures? I am definitely starting to show and clothes are getting a bit snug for me. Makes it all a bit more real too which is nice. I would love to put something together for you to put on your website and it is no problem to use the ultrasound pictures either. I don't care if my name is on them or not. I haven't been shy about telling people that we did IUI since you never know who else may be battling fertility problems too and maybe our story will help others too."
Sunday, April 26, 2009
We Welcome another, Jackson day after Ricky
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hi Everyone!
Richard Kenneth Sullivan " Ricky" came into the world on 4/15/09 @ 11:03 am. He weighed 8lbs 11oz and was 21in long. He is just the sweetest thing on the face of this earth and he is absolutely perfect! (no funny alien looking baby here)!!!! I'll send more pics soon! Enjoy! XOXO- Renee'
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Blood is like Sunshine & Water to your Eggs & Uterus
Acupuncture and herbal medicine answer this call beautifully. They are efficeint methods for improving blood flow. And amazingly, after a period of treatment with acupuncture and herbs we see the FSH start to go down!" But this is not only true for FSH levels which in turn affect follicular and oocyte health but for the quality of the uterus lining as well.
Thanks Mike for this insight! I love reading your blog musings and hope you do not mind I quote you if you ever read mine.
Baby Rachal has arrived!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday afternoon at Huffman Wellness
We all got to meet one of our newest fertility acupuncture babies today. Her name is Evelyn and she is the 3 month old baby of Jessica and Roger. It was almost a year ago the first week in March when Jessica calculated she must have conceived her and after 7 months of acupuncture!
She is precious and quite expressive!
Hopefully this wonderful gift of life will be passed on to Simon and Sonia who have diligently been adhereing to an overall healthy lifestyle and receiving acupuncture weekly and taking herbs and supplements.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
May he give you the desires of your heart...
while at Fertility Seminar

Fertility Reading

To all my fellow clients, I love this story about one's cup empty your cups so you can take more in...not easy sometimes.

The student traveled far to consult with the wisest of teachers. Atop the highest mountain, in a humble shack, the student found the sage. "Tell me the purpose of your visit," said the teacher, pouring the student a cup of tea.
"I have apprenticed myself to the world's best instructors, read volumes, memorized every lesson, and tested my skills against the brightest minds," the student replied. "I know the laws of nature, man, and the universe. What can I learn from you -- an old hermit?"
As the student spoke, the teacher poured...and poured...and poured...until the tea overflowed onto the table, then the floor.
"Stop!" cried the student. "Can't you see that the tea is overflowing?"
"Yes, I see," said the sage, "that I cannot serve you, because your cup is already full."
Friday, February 20, 2009
Welcome To My New Blog